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Kunstutstilling på hotellet

Denne sommeren kan du oppleve kunstneren Jeanette Anderssons malerier på First Hotel G i Göteborg. Fra 30/5 til 30/9 kan du oppleve utstillingen 'Blant steiner & Hus'.

Paintings by Jeanette Andersson

Experience Jeanette Andersson's art.

Browse through the images and come inside the Exhibition Hall at the hotel to see Jeanette's paintings live.

"Sten" - et maleri av Jeanette Andersson. Bilde.

Presentation of Jeanette

Jeanette Andersson is a self-taught artist who has painting as a major hobby and passion in her spare time. She has taken a few evening courses but has always had creativity and painting with her since childhood.

Jeanette resides in Alingsås, and her motto is that her paintings should bring joy, which is why she often uses bright and strong acrylic paints when she paints.

The exhibition consists of many houses, cities, and stones—subjects and environments that Jeanette herself loves.

"Hus" - et maleri av Jeanette Andersson. Bilde.

Contact information

All the paintings at the art exhibition are for sale.

See more of Jeanette's art and follow her on Instagram.